My dear Aeromodellers,
This site comes out from my love for the model aircraft building (dynamic especially) and from my aspiration to continue the memory of the
enthusiastic work
of all the people who had published model aircraft Magazines and so helped many of us to learn the craft of model airplane building.
It is my intention to mention and describe all Italian Magazines of every time and kind which, even partially or irregurarly, had some
model aircraft content.
This is not a complete English translation from the Italian Pages. First my English is too poor.
Second, probably, most of the "literary" content is not of real interest for the not Italian Aeromodeller.
Third, sorry, I have simply not enough time.
Nevertheless, I think that the not Italian Aeromodellers can enjoy themselves
looking at the old covers ("copertine" in Italian), and especially studying
plans and drawings
So here are the translations of all buttons and menues to make you able to navigate into the site and find covers, plans,
drawings and also may be, you can consider to give a glance to old pics ("fotografie" or "foto" in Italian)
of some wellknown (some of them not only in Italy) italian aeromodellers, generally of the past.
Hint: push the "Internal Links" button.
I have to stress that the general flavour of the site is "old time". This is not only for obvious
copyright reasons but also because there are many and many more "yesterday" Magazines then
"today" ones. Please remark also that the site is continuosly evolving and growing.
I hope, anyhow, that you can enjoy yourself to surf around this site at least as much as I enjoied myself to
compile it!
                16 - January - 2006
                        Your "Virtual Aeromodeller"
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