www.riviste-di-aeromodellismo.it Presentation
My dear Aeromodellers,
![]()     I have to stress that the general flavour of the site is "old time". This is not only for obvious copyright reasons but also because there are many and many more "yesterday" Magazines then "today" ones.     Please remark also that the site is continuosly evolving and growing ad that for this purpose it needs your help! So if you know something that is not yet on the site, please tell me, as well - don't be afraid - any kind of errors, mistypyng, syntax or even grammar mistakes (especially in the English version).     Please note that this site was tested extensively using only the browser Chrome.     I hope, anyhow, that you can enjoy yourself to surf around this site at least as much as I enjoied myself to compile it!                                                                                                                                           Your "virtual" aeromodeller                                                                                                                                           E-mail P.S.     Only a very little part (sorry) of this site is translated (badly, sorry again) to English. You can try to help yourself to understand more from the Italian text using the "Chrome translation", but you have to know that still there are sometime really comic effects and big mistakes in any authomatic translation!
(rev 08/16/2020)